deardiary  , last night a DJ saved my life ... or yeezy did!! live strong and live long. i try to enjoy each and every day, spend it with people that matter and that bring joy to my world and a smile to my face. if I don't like somethin

deardiary, last night a DJ saved my life ... or yeezy did!! live strong and live long. i try to enjoy each and every day, spend it with people that matter and that bring joy to my world and a smile to my face. if I don't like something I change it. always edit!! whether it's editing my wardrobe or my contact list I don't waste time on things that don't work for me!! totes up to you but definitely try to be open to change and see the bigger picture xo

Style Details  

silver fox// lace pants Joy Cioci, top Nick Pini, bag Dior, jacket Dior, today's smile is brought to you by me!!