Hayley Gentry

Hayley Gentry

   If you asked me almost a year ago where I was going on my honeymoon, I never would have been able to tell you! My husband surprised me with a romantic 14 day honeymoon starting in  Koh Samui, Thailand . Where we would go after I wouldn't

If you asked me almost a year ago where I was going on my honeymoon, I never would have been able to tell you! My husband surprised me with a romantic 14 day honeymoon starting in Koh Samui, Thailand. Where we would go after I wouldn't find out until we got to the airport to leave Koh Samui! All I was told is it's 3 places and there would be many first experiences for us to share together (if you know us when we first became friends we made a pact to having many more firsts together... let's just say we have a long list of firsts especially after the honeymoon!)

Sharing this post now feels right as we are approaching our anniversary! After our wedding at my families home in Tuscany we headed to the Rome airport where I would find out at check in where in the world we were heading! Talk about anxiety, excitement and oh wow moments!! The screen we approached read THAI AIR!!!!! Here we go!! 

Let the romance and carefree days and nights commence.  

A trip filled with morning yoga, private boat trips to Mu Ko Ang Thong National Park,  sunset conversations over delicious food (thai soup still my favorite dish even back home!) and {Iā€™m not gonna lie} a few late nights spent with endless champagne, late night swims and in our private pool. 

If you're heading to Thailand in June I do suggest you be prepared for it to be hot, hot, hot I REPEAT HOT!

We loved our private villa at the Four Seasons and the restaurant offerings so much that we were happy to spend most of our stay on the property. Enjoying sitting poolside at the infinity pool,  swims to rum bar, beach volleyball, paddle boarding and of course the Secret Garden Spa (i'll never forget the massage on the first day!! a must do especially after your wedding!). That's not to say we didn't explore! The private boat day was next level incredible. The views, sounds, fishing, snorkeling and island exploring led by the Four Seasons staff was a everything!  The staff of the Four Seasons preparing an on-board lunch for us was the best meal. Every Thai flavor exciting us more than the next, with all the fresh seaside zest you could ask for.  We both still reminisce about over it. We were jumping off the boat to cool off between bites! Yes it gets that hot! 


I highly recommend Four Seasons Koh Samui for both families and couples and go for any reason you can think of! They have everything and more for you the hospitality was refreshing and welcomed.  Be sure to stay hydrated and don't forget your sunblock!

I loved every minute of this tropical oasis but we we're off to find out the next destination on our honeymoon world tour! 


details cover photo: ysl sunnies, LSpace swimsuit;  blue seated yoga shot: MIKOh 

for all other swimwear inquires see @deardiary